Sombrero Build 1.2.583

Category : SombreroDev
Date : February 20, 2017


  • Game will attempt to quickly tween the Player to the correct location, rather than just immediately transporting the Player to the correct location, when in Online play for the following actions:
    • Player moves left
    • Player moves right
    • Player stops moving
    • Player comes to a complete stop
    • Player releases jump
    • Player begins falling
    • Player stops climbing a ladder, but is still on the ladder
    • Every 1 second in Online play, if the local Player is moving, its position will be corrected on other peers.
    • If the local Player is not moving, and the position on other peers doesn’t match up, it will be corrected.


  • If a Flag is loose and overlaps or collides with a platform or object, it will immediately reset back to its Base.


  • The Player’s Steam name will now display properly when capturing a Flag during an Online Match while playing through Steam.
  • The Player’s Steam name will now display properly when capturing the Idol during an Online Match when playing through Steam.